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Ingredients: 1 organic whole wheat tortilla 2 tbs nut butter (almond, peanut, cashewâ¦) 1 small (4-5 inches) organic banana 2 tbs granola (any flavor will do) 1/4 cup Greek yogurt (fat content and flavor is up to you) honey as needed...


Heat the tortilla in the microwave for 10-20 seconds depending on the strength of your microwave to soften it up. OPTIONAL! Spread the nut butter evenly over the tortilla. Cut the banana into disks and place on half the tortilla in the center. Top the banana slices with the granola and yogurt. Tuck in the sides of the tortilla and gently roll the wrap up so everything is nicely snuggled in the tortilla. I drizzle with clover honey before rolling, especially at end for secure closing... Enjoy!